
Swiss Paediatric Surveillance Unit (SPSU)

The Swiss Paediatric Surveillance Unit SPSU is a surveillance system for rare paediatric diseases or rare complications of more frequent diseases in hospitalized children. All 29 paediatric clinics of Switzerland are members and contribute to active case finding on a monthly basis. SPSU has been established by the Swiss Paediatric Association (SPA) and the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (SFOPH) in 1995 and is also member of the International Network of Paediatric Surveillance units INoPSU. The steering committee consists of five representatives of the SPA and SHOPH and is currently chaired by Dr. med. A. Woerner of the University childrens' Hospital in Basel. Applications for new studies are always welcome and can be submitted at any time (please see 'documents' for details).


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Participating Clinics

Thank you for thinking about the notification. Currently the following studies are ongoing:

  • Acute flaccid paralysis
  • Invasive Infections caused by Group A Streptococci
  • Varicella-Zoster Virus associated hospitalisations (incl. post infectious complications)
  • Acute pediatric hepatitis of unknown origin
  • Neonatal enterovirus infections
Centre Hospitalier du Valais Romand, Service de pédiatrie, 1950 Sion Spitalzentrum Oberwallis, Pädiatrie, 3930 Visp Centre hospitalier de Rennaz, Route du Vieux Séquoia 20, 1847 Rennaz Hôpital Riviera Bd Paderewski 3 1800 Vevey Hôpital de l'Enfance Ch. de Montétan 16 1000 Lausanne 7
Médecin cadre Division de Neonatologie C H U V 1011 Lausanne
Département médico-chirurgical CHUV 1011 Lausanne Hôpital de Zone Ch. du Crêt 2 1110 Morges Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Rue Willy-Donzé 6 1205 Genève Hôpital Yverdon Rue Entremonts 11 1400 Yverdon Hôpital Cantonal Bertigny 1708 Fribourg Hôpital neuchâtelois Pourtalès Rue Maladière 45 2000 Neuchâtel Universitätsklinik für Kinderheilkunde Inselspital 3010 Bern Spitalzentrum Biel AG Postfach 1664 2501 Biel Hôpital du Jura, Site de Delémont Faubourg des Capucins 30 2800 Delémont Universitäts-Kinderspital Beider Basel Spitalstrasse 33 4031 Basel Kantonsspital Aarau, Klinik für Kinder und Jugendliche, 5001 Aarau Kantonsspital Baden, Pädiatrie, 5404 Baden Kinderspital Zentralschweiz KidZ 6000 Luzern 16 Stadtspital Triemli Birmensdorferstrasse 497 8063 Zürich Universitäts-Kinderklinik Steinwiesstrasse 75 8032 Zürich
Universitäts-Frauenklinik Frauenklinikstrasse 10 8091 Zürich Spital Zollikerberg Trichtenhauserstrasse 20 8125 Zollikerberg Kantonsspital Winterthur Brauerstrasse 15 8400 Winterthur Thurgauisches Kantonsspital Postfach 100 8596 Scherzingen Klinik für Geburtshilfe u. Gynäkologie  9007 St. Gallen
Ostschweizer Kinderspital Claudiusstrasse 6 9006 St. Gallen Kantonsspital Graubünden Loestrasse 170 7000 Chur Istituto Pediatrico della Svizzera Italiana, Via Ospedale 12, 6500 Bellinzona